Gerald L

Horses | Last ran in 1927
Dam - Lavenco
Sire - Captivation
Dam's Sire - Lavenne
Born - 1914

Gerald L Grand National Wins

Gerald L has never won the Grand National.

Their best finish to date was in 1926 where they came 11th. They were ridden by Fred Brookes and trained by O Anthony.

Full Results

Year Result Prize Money Handicap Jockey Trainer
1927 Fence 8 - Brought Down - 12-5 Lewis Rees O Anthony
1926 11 - 12-2 Fred Brookes O Anthony
1924 Fence 23 - Pulled Up - 12-6 Isaac Morgan T Gwilt
1920 Fence 1 - Fell - 9-7 Frank Dainty T Gwilt