E Woodland

E Woodland Grand National Wins

E Woodland has never trained a horse that has won the Grand National.

Their best finish to date was in 1890 with Pan ridden by William Halsey who came 2nd.

Full Results

Year Horse Result Prize Money Jockey
1901 True Blue (3) Fence - Fell - Percy Woodland
1900 Model 10 - Percy Woodland
1892 Nap Fence - Fell - Herbert Woodland
1890 Baccy Fence - Brought Down - William Woodland
1890 Pan 2 - William Halsey
1888 Cork Fence - Pulled Up - William Woodland
1887 Magpie Fence - Pulled Up - William Woodland
1886 Magpie 4 - William Woodland
1886 The Liberator 13 - S Woodland